Sunday, August 12, 2012

It is time for some before and afters!

We are certainly doing a little bit of a celebration dance. We aren't done, but let's be honest, when are you ever done working on your house? In the past two months (since I am a HORRIBLE blogger and have not updated) we have done a TON of work. I was gone most of the month of June, Mike worked hard and now we are closer than ever to **done**.
If you are reading this you are welcome to attend our first annual hog roast to check out our little farm for yourself. It will be October 20, 2012 starting around 5pm. BYO drinks and chairs. We will have a hog and sides. Possibly some musical entertainment!

Here are some before and after's for your enjoyment.

Concrete by Rod's Quality Concrete - Whiteland, IN. 317.908.1229

All tile work in both bathrooms by our neighbor extrodinaire Jim Aldridge - South Central Home Services.

 We have moved the red barn back away from the house. It has a 2000 gallon water tank we plan on using for the bison. Also, we haven't quite finished the siding, but that should happen in the next couple of weekends with the help of some AWESOME friends!

Concrete work by Rod's Quality Concrete - 317.908.1229 for a quote!

Thanks for looking! We can't wait to see you all on October 20th! We will be eating around 5pm!