Monday, September 30, 2013

New Years Resolutions--10 Months Later

We decided at the end of 2012 that we had not blogged enough, and we set out on a New Years resolution to blog at least once per month during 2013.  Fail.  Big time fail.  Because here we are, at the end of September--9 months into year and 9 posts behind our goal.  But it's not because we haven't been doing anything.  Actually, over the last 9 blogless months, we've made quite a bit of progress toward being able to get our first herd of bison.  So we thought it was time to at least get some update pics posted.

In our last post (December 2012), we had just purchased our fence posts.  We now have all the corner posts and about half the line posts in the ground. 

 If the fences work as planned, we won't need one of these:

We also had the opportunity to visit both Cook's Bison Ranch and Broken Wagon Bison in Northern Indiana early this Spring to learn first-hand about bison production.  They are all great people raising amazing animals:


Unlike when we first moved in, we've finished roofing and painting the house and barns, so everything now matches.  Cream and dark red have become the official colors of Rogers Bison Farm. 



As I was typing this blog post was the first time I realized that we came much closer to IU colors than I'm really comfortable with. But while black and gold would have been much closer to our hearts (go Boilers!), it would have made for a pretty ugly house.

And last but not least, we bought an old Ford tractor, because a farm with no tractor is really just a house with an oversized lot:

No set date on bison yet, but getting closer every day.   So until we get the rest our fence up and figure out how to get the guy in the background of this pic home from Yellowstone . . .

It'll be ducks and chickens!

As always, until next time. . . which will hopefully be less than 9 months away :)