Friday, December 14, 2012

This morning I PRAYED.

This morning I got down on my knees and PRAYED. I prayed with all my being. I prayed that that a friend of mine would get something she desperately wants. It is something that I want too, but I told God that I want this so bad for her, I am willing to not get what I want right now in order for her to get what she wants. I know God doesn't bargain, he has a plan for each and every one of us. HE is in charge. I can feel the power of my friends desire and think maybe just maybe if I help forward or express that desire to God - things will happen! Maybe.
It is funny how the Lord works though, you just never know the things He can make happen. The more I learn about Him and His word, the more I desire to know, the more I desire to know Him the more I see Him working in my everyday life. The more that I want to follow the path He has for me, the more His path reveals itself to me. It is truly AMAZING.
I know, I know - what does this have to do with our bison farm? Well Mike and I have been working on getting our fences. If you have ever priced fence, you know that it is expensive. Not figure that we are fencing approx 15 acres with high tensile and at least 6 foot out of the ground posts (2 feet in and 6 out)... you get the picture. PRICEY.
Last night Mike's Dad, Tom, called to let us know there was an auction today around Lapel and they were advertising 5 inch 8 foot non tapered posts. EXACTLY what we needed for our fence!!!! Mike went up today and we have purchased 180 posts. Brand new. At half the cost of Tractor Supply.

Connect the dots. I pray to God for someone else. I pray for someone else to get what I want.

I am one step closer to becoming a real bison farmer today. No, you don't always get what you want, but you get what you need. Happy Friday!!!! Until next time.

Ps. Feel free to pray for my friend.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Long Overdue

We have been working hard the last five months to get thing finished up with the house, cleaned up in the barns and ready for the next steps in, making out little dream a reality. At the end of September we were approached by the gentleman who we bought the farm from. He let us know there had been an offer made on the remaining 15 acres of the original farm. Needless to say we ended up purchasing that acrage. We are now the proud owners of just over 38 acres of land. This is good because it will be a long while before we will need to expand again. However, if you know Mike and I, you know that we do not like debt. Buying the additional land has slightly pushed back our fence purchase and therefore our bison herd. We are still working diligently to try to make it happen next year (2013) however we remain committed to startong our business in a way that doesn't put a strain on us for years to come. In the mean time we have acquired some beautiful Rhode Island Red hens that, in about a months time, will start to give us brown eggs! Here qre some recent pictures from around the farm:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It is time for some before and afters!

We are certainly doing a little bit of a celebration dance. We aren't done, but let's be honest, when are you ever done working on your house? In the past two months (since I am a HORRIBLE blogger and have not updated) we have done a TON of work. I was gone most of the month of June, Mike worked hard and now we are closer than ever to **done**.
If you are reading this you are welcome to attend our first annual hog roast to check out our little farm for yourself. It will be October 20, 2012 starting around 5pm. BYO drinks and chairs. We will have a hog and sides. Possibly some musical entertainment!

Here are some before and after's for your enjoyment.

Concrete by Rod's Quality Concrete - Whiteland, IN. 317.908.1229

All tile work in both bathrooms by our neighbor extrodinaire Jim Aldridge - South Central Home Services.

 We have moved the red barn back away from the house. It has a 2000 gallon water tank we plan on using for the bison. Also, we haven't quite finished the siding, but that should happen in the next couple of weekends with the help of some AWESOME friends!

Concrete work by Rod's Quality Concrete - 317.908.1229 for a quote!

Thanks for looking! We can't wait to see you all on October 20th! We will be eating around 5pm!

Monday, June 4, 2012

I should write a book, no make that a blog!

My supervisor at work told me the other day that I should write a book about all of our mishaps. The latest being that our truck was backed into and took a pretty good beating. (Don't worry it was parked in our yard.) I responded simply by saying that "It isn't that bad, I just talk about my mishaps." He said well then maybe a blog, to which I simply emailed him a link. (Whoops! - for not doing this before now.)

Last night Mike and I did the first thing that actually made us feel like we are really going to farm... we put up around 100 bales of hay. I had better start at the begining, because we didn't think we were going to find someone to hay our field this year.

Two weeks ago Mike, Tom (Mike's Dad) and Tom's friend Charlie were in the basement talking. I came down and sat on the stairs. We had recently cleaned the basement taking out all the old junk and trying to organize. As I sat on the stairs I noticed a snake skin. I wasn't too shocked because when we came to look at the house we had found a skin. This one had to be new because as I said before - we had cleaned. Mike wanted to try to figure out where they were coming in so he started pulling out insulation along the top of the block. On the first try THERE THEY WERE!!! Not just one but TWO very dazed looking black snakes. Mike and I ran to the hardware store to try to find something to get them out with. When we came back there was an old tractor running in the drive. Dale, a local farmer, had stopped by to see if he could hay our field. We said yes, if you get these snakes out of the basement - which he did!

We split the hay and were able to put up some for next year when we have our BISON!

LOTS of hay! And more hopefully to come.

We have also gotten a TON done outside. Mike tilled me a little garden, and I got it planted. (Just before I was called to Oklahoma for 3 weeks - more on that later)  Alot of the concrete is now busted, alot of trees/bushes are out.

Our well has been dug!

And the tree behind the house, the one that was going to fall into our house at some point in our future, is now OUT!

I have been called to Oklahoma to assist with extremely bad hail damage. I am happy to help, but those of you who know me best know IGETHOMESICK. Maybe if I say it quick I won't cry.


It is even worse now that I feel like Mike and I have found THE place... OUR place in this world. I love our farm so so so very much and being away is harder than expected. I am a sissy.

While I have been gone Mike has worked hard to keep things moving along on the house.

Our neighbor, Jim, is helping us finish up the tile in the master bath... and the spare bath!

 Mike did this beautiful tile around my sink and we have butchers block as the rest of the counter top.

Mike has also been working on getting the house trimmed.

Kitchen window.

Living room window.

I will post again as I get pictures.

I feel like this part of our new book is starting to come to an end. (The house part.) I love it, it has been HARD work but it has been REWARDING work. AND we are one step closer to BISON!

Until next time...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Are we there yet?

When I was a kid and we would go on vacation, we ALWAYS drove. We drove to Kings Island, we drove to Gatlinburg, we even drove to Myrtle Beach and Florida! When I was young I remember making up games and sleeping. As I got older I knew to bring something with me to do to keep my mind off the LONG travel time. It was the little victories of finishing a word puzzle or finishing the ABC game  that made the long trip seem well... not so bad.
Little victories are what I have been focusing on for a few weeks with the house, but then last weekend, our drywall was hung. Subsequently it was finished and we were ready for paint!

Living room

Hallway to the spare bed/bath.

Spare bath.

Spare bath. We are putting tile along the bottoms of the walls so there are backer board along the bottom instead of drywall.

Spare bed.

Spare bed.

Spare bed.

Door to Master


Door to master bath.

Master bath

Door to closet.

Master closet

Dark shot of the master.


Master bedroom - with Trixie saying hello.

Here is an outside shot of the house as of last weekend. There is a bit more siding on now.

Moral of the story. Little victories are good, but getting drywall hung and having great friends help you get *almost* your entire house primed then painted in one weekend is a HUGE VICTORY for morale!

I should have a real bed in 2 weeks or less ((KNOCK ON WOOD))!!!!!!!!

Until next time...